Hoffmann staged and directed several productions at the Berlin Workers' Theater (Berliner Arbeiter-Theater bat), including fragments and adaptations of works by Nikolai Gogol, William Shakespeare, Heiner Müller, and Alexander Ostrovsky.
His final production at the bat was Oscar Night, written by Rene Pollesch (1996).
From 1992 to 1994 Hoffmann was assistant dramaturg under Tom Stromberg at the Theater Am Turm (TAT) in Frankfurt, where he worked on productions of such directors as Rene Pollesch, Stefan Pucher, Reza Abdoh, Needcompany, Michael Laub, Jan Fabre, Baktruppen, Gob Squad, and Heiner Goebbels.
He worked as an assistant producer at Performance Space 122 in New York (1993 - 1994). During this time, he immersed himself in New York's downtown performing art scene, befriending Wooster Group members Spaulding Grey and Ron Vawter, and Richard Foreman, the founding director of the Ontological-Hysteric Theater. In 1994 Hoffmann met art historian RoseLee Goldberg and worked with her as a research assistant on the updated edition of Goldberg's pathbreaking book: Performing Arts from Futurism to the Present.
With Tom Stromberg, Hoffmann organized Theater Outlines, the performing-arts program of Documenta X in Kassel (1997).
He worked with Brian Bellot as a dramaturg and curator on the artist’s first theater production at the Henry Street Playhouse at the Abrons Arts Center in New York as part of the Performa Biennial (2017).
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